

The PHENOPSIS platform is an automatic irrigation and image-taking system located in a 1.5 x 5 m growth chamber. It is a prototype built by Optimalog (France) in 2003. Since 2007, LEPSE has had 3 PHENOPSIS machines. Thanks to a removable arm (x,y,z) it can weigh, irrigate precisely to a target weight defined by the experimenter and take images (visible, infrared, fluorescence) on more than 500 small plants/PHENOSPIS, such as the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Today, new species can be accommodated under strictly controlled environmental conditions.
robot Phenopsis
PhenoPsis robot © INRAE - LEPSE

PhenoPsis is an automatic watering and imaging robot installed in three growth chambers, each with 500 plants. Initially developed for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, it has recently been improved to accommodate other species with different aerial architecture, such as rape, tomato or Brachypodium. It can take RGB (top and/or side view), infrared and fluorescent images. It has been used for multi-trait QTL analyses involving leaf expansion, cell division and leaf formation with contrasting soil water status. It has also been used to test large sets of accessions of contrasting origin and targeted transgenic plants and to link phenotypes to transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics.


Example of an experiment carried out on PhenoPsis :

The PhenoPsis phenotyping platform and its development since 2002 :

See also

Find here the article published in Le Cahier des Techniques de l'INRA on the technological evolutions of the first automatic plant phenotyping machine

Find here a poster on PhenoPsis

In this folder

PHENOPSIS is a prototype created in 2002 by a close collaboration between LEPSE technicians and the French company OPTIMALOG. It is one of the first platforms for high-throughput phenotyping of plants in a controlled environment (culture chamber).
Since 2007, PHENOPSIS has been steadily improved to meet new challenges in the field of high-throughput plant phenotyping.
Three culture chambers are each equipped with a programmable logic controller (PLC) with weighing/irrigation and imaging stations.
PHENOPSIS has been used in different contexts: for LEPSE research questions, for collaborative projects but also for external users.
Arabidopsis thaliana is the most studied model plant in PHENOPSIS but, since 2013, PHENOPSIS has also been used to grow other plants...
A multi-disciplinary team works on the operation and development of the PHENOPSIS platform and supports the experiments
The public data produced is available from our information system.
The article presenting PHENOPSIS published in 2006 in New Phytologist ( has been cited 384 times (October 2023) and 47 articles have since appeared in international journals with data from PHENOPSIS.

Modification date: 10 May 2024 | Publication date: 18 June 2020 | By: Aurélien Ausset