Boulord Romain

Boulord Romain

Plant experimentation research technician
Management of the potted vine experimental platform
Ecophysiological experiments and measurements
Gas exchange platform

Management of the experimental vineyard:

  •    Management and preparation of equipment required for experiments (pots, substrates, nutrient solutions)
  •     Management of plant material orders and storage
  •     Setting up and monitoring plants (potting, driving, irrigation management)
  •     Monitoring plant health

Experimentation and ecophysiological measurements:

  •    Setting up and monitoring experimental systems on the plateau and in outdoor plots
  •     Installation of environmental sensors and monitoring of their operation
  •     Taking part in ecophysiological measurements
  •     Formatting and initial analysis of data

Gas exchange measurement platform:

  •    Co-management of measurement equipment (Li-6800, Li-600, Ciras-2, etc.)
  •     User training
  •     Maintenance



Romain Boulord

Research Technician

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Modification date: 03 August 2023 | Publication date: 28 August 2020 | By: Aurélien Ausset