Midingoyi Cyrille

Midingoyi Cyrille

Thesis defended on 18.12.2020

Topic: "Semantic and modular representation of culture models using a declarative metalanguage


The heterogeneity of culture modelling platforms in terms of implementation language, design pattern and software architecture constraints limits the reuse of model components outside the platform in which they were developed. Our objective is to propose an approach to reuse based on a strong abstraction of model components. To this end, we have identified concepts that have allowed us to define a metalanguage for specifying components and a minimal business language for describing algorithms independently of platforms. A transformation system based on these concepts allowed the seamless generation of components compatible with different modelling platforms. In this thesis, we have shown that the unified description of model components with shared concepts removes platform constraints and promotes the reusability of components in a transparent way.

Jury :

Pierre MARTRE - directeur de thèse - directeur de recherche - Montpellier SupAgro
Christophe PRADAL - examinateur - chargé de recherche - CIRAD
Eric RAMAT - rapporteur - professeur - Université du Littoral de la Côte d'Opale
Gaëtan LOUARN - examinateur - chargé de recherche - INRAE
Marianne HUCHARD - examinateur - professeur - Université de Montpellier
Gerhard  BUCK-SORLIN - rapporteur - professeur - AgroCampus Ouest

Modification date: 03 August 2023 | Publication date: 02 September 2020 | By: Aurélien Ausset