Team M3P-DEV

Team M3P-DEV

M3P-DEV is an emerging team within the M3P phenotyping platforms with the objective of innovating, developing and producing integrated methods in plant phenomena for obtaining, under controlled conditions (and in the field), response traits to environmental constraints, which can be used in crop genetics and modelling.


  • Development and evolution of platforms and devices (multi-source and multi-scale data acquisition)
  • Intelligent information systems for the organisation of multi-origin and multi-scale data
  • Integrated imaging methods for organ, plant and canopy analysis
  • Integration of environmental and contextual data into phenotypic data analysis pipelines
  • Use of modelling to extract reproducible traits of interest in phenotyping platforms


M3P-DEV brings together a group of employees with multiple and complementary backgrounds and skills.

Former staff members :

Abid Slim (CDD Ingénieur d'Études), Daviet Benoît (CDD Ingénieur d'Études), Nègre Vincent (Ingénieur d'Études), Vargas Rojas Luis Felipe (Doctorant)


llorenç cabrera

Research Engineer, INRAE

Phone : + 33 (0)
Email : llorenc.cabrera-bosquet(at)

Modification date: 13 December 2023 | Publication date: 13 January 2021 | By: Aurélien Ausset