Millet Emilie

Millet Emilie

Team : MAGE

Emilie Millet left her position at LEPSE in April 2022.

Mission to LEPSE between July 2021 and April 2022

As a quantitative biologist with an initial training as an agronomist, my research activities focus on the integration of methods and data at different scales in order to identify the determinisms of quantitative plant responses to environmental conditions.

After a PhD thesis at LEPSE (MAGE 2012-2016) in the framework of the DROPS and Amaizing projects, I did a first post-doc at Wageningen University (WUR, the Netherlands) in the EPPN2020 project.

I joined the MAGE team again in July 2021 as a Post Agreenskills postdoc. In the EXPOSE project (EXploring PhenOtypic SpacE for Mining Genotypes and Alleles in Maize), I propose to interface genetics and ecophysiology with ecology/evolution and data science. The objective is to define G×E interactions in terms of phenotypic space and to study their structure. The use of variables measured in platforms, which are predictive of the response of plants to the environment, will make it possible to identify combinations of traits and individuals adapted to specific conditions.

PhD thesis at LEPSE (MAGE 2012-2016) in the framework of the DROPS and Amaizing projects

Subject : "Genetic variability of maize yield under water deficit and high temperature: analysis of a multi-site experimental network. "

Thesis defended on 28.10.2016

Members of the jury :

Mr François Tardieu, Thesis Director / Mr Claude Welcker, Examiner/ Mme Chris-Carolin Schön, Rapporteur / Mr Hervé Monod, Rapporteur / Mr Jacques David, Examiner/ Mr Alain Murigneux, Examiner

Abstract :

In the context of climate change, crops will be more frequently subjected to extreme weather events. Continued progress on maize yield requires consideration of new genetic methods to characterise the comparative advantages of genotypes under drought and high temperature conditions. The main objective of this thesis is to improve the knowledge of genetic control of maize yield and its components under water and heat stress in a field trial network. For this purpose, we used data from the EU DROPS project and the French Amaizing project with 29 field trials distributed in Europe and Chile, in 2012 and 2013, with irrigated and non-irrigated treatments in each site. A precise characterisation of the environmental conditions was carried out, as well as a precise measurement of phenology and yield and its components on a panel of 244 maize hybrids. The approach used in this thesis was to use the precise environmental characterisation at each site to dissect the interactions between genotype and environment. In a first step we classified the 29 trials into six environmental scenarios that had been previously defined over long climate series across Europe. The genomic regions associated with yield had highly variable effects between sites, depending on the environmental scenarios. Each allele can therefore be associated with a region in Europe where it has a high probability of positive effect. In a second step, by combining platform and field data, we estimated the yield responses to radiation intercepted during the vegetative period, and to temperature and water deficit at flowering. We identified the genomic regions associated with these responses, making the genotypes analysed tolerant or sensitive to the variable considered. This work opens up prospects for plant improvement in a context of climate change.

See also

My profile ORCID

My profile Researchgate

Modification date: 04 August 2023 | Publication date: 30 June 2021 | By: Aurélien Ausset