Mineau-Cesari Jonathan

Mineau-Cesari Jonathan

Since 1 February 2020 at CIRM
• Data Manager
• Relational Databases and NoSql
• Application development

Since 1 February 2020, data manager at CIRM

IT missions :

¦ main mission
   |_ Data manager
¦ secondary missions
   |_ Database & IS Administrator
   |_ Application developer

My missions are mainly focused on the PHIS and Kernel information systems in the framework of a dual collaboration of the UMRs LEPSE and MISTEA. I am a member of the SILEX group and of CATI CODEX.
Transversal missions :
¦ Webmaster for EMC solutions (eZpublish)
¦ Computer maintenance in partnership with Nicolas Brichet
¦ Prevention Assistant (PA) in partnership with Alexis Bediée


Modification date: 03 August 2023 | Publication date: 03 September 2020 | By: Aurélien Ausset