Coupel-Ledru Aude

Coupel-Ledru Aude

Research Officer
Team : ETAP

After my PhD at LEPSE in the ETAP team (2012-2015) and a first post-doc in the MAGE team (2016-2017), I carried out two post-doctoral fellowships abroad (2017-2018, Agropolis + AgreenSkills double Fellowship, post-doctoral fellowship shared between UMR AGAP and the University of Bologna in Italy; 2018-2020, Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom).

Since September 2020, I joined LEPSE, first as a post-doctoral researcher funded by INRAE's "European Talents" programme, and then as a permanent Research Fellow in June 2021 after having obtained the national "CRCN on project" competition of INRAE.

I am particularly interested in the mechanisms that control water use by plants and their interaction with those that govern growth and production. I initially focused on drought adaptation, and then extended my studies to its effects in combination with temperature and atmospheric CO2. I integrate different scales of responses (cell, organ, whole plant and population) with methods that I have adapted from different disciplinary fields (cell physiology, whole plant ecophysiology, molecular and quantitative genetics).

The list of my publications is available on my Google Scholar profile (link below).

Do not hesitate to contact me for future collaborations or internships.


aude coupel

Aude COUPEL-LEDRU                                                                                                             

Mail :

Postal address : LEPSE, bâtiment 7 - INRAE SupAgro - 2 Place Viala - 34000 Montpellier FRANCE

See also

My website : ici

My profile page Google Scholar ici

My profile page ORCID ici

Modification date: 03 August 2023 | Publication date: 02 September 2020 | By: Aurélien Ausset