Welcker Claude

Welcker Claude

Genetic variability of maize adaptation to drought and high temperature, impact on performance and breeding strategies
Direction Montpellier Plant Phenotyping Platform (M3P)
Team : MAGE

I joined LEPSE INRAE Montpellier in 2003 to develop a programme at the interface between genetics and ecophysiology after having led work on maize genetic diversity and adaptation to tropical acid soils (1992-2002).
I am working on the genetic variability of maize adaptation to drought and high temperatures, its impact on performance in scenarios and consequences for breeding strategies. I conduct this work in the framework of large academic/private consortia. Since 2012, I am co-director of the phenotyping platform M3P.

Recent publications

Genomic prediction of maize yield across European environmental conditions.
Millet et al Nature Genetics 2019

What is cost-effciient phenotyping ? Optimizing costs for different scenarios.
Renolds et al Plant Science 2019

Changes in the vertical distribution of leaf area enhanced light interception efficiency in maize over generations of selection.
Perez et al Plant, Cell & Environment 2019

Maize yields over Europe may increase in spite of climate change, with an appropriate use of the genetic variability of flowering time.
Parent et al Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2018

Phenomics allows identification of genomic regions affecting maize stomatal conductance with conditional effects of water deficit and evaporative demand.
Avarez-Prado et al Plant Cell Environment 2018

Extension, training

Changement climatique. Des rendements maintenus en adaptant la précocité.
Parent B, Welcker C, Tardieu F. 2019. Perspectives Agricoles 462

Analysing and modelling phenotypes for challenging environments. Thematic internationnal school (5d). Luquet D, Parent B, Pallas B, Welcker C, Tardieu F. 2018 & 2019.
Cultivar. Training in Plant Breeding. www.cultivar-flagship.net


Granato I. (PhD Piracicaba, Brésill). Postdoc. Analyse génétique de caractères fonctionnels mesurés en plateforme de phénotypage et de performances au champ

Abu-Samra-Spencer N. (Master WUR, Italie). Ingenieur. Analyse et modélisation du progrès génétique selon les scénarios et caractères associés

Holsinger M. (Master WUR, Austriche) Ingenieur. Meta-analyse de QTL de performance et résilience à la sécheresse et aux températures élevées.

Projects, expertise and collaborations

I am currently involved in several national and international collaborative projects on climate change adaptation in the framework of large academic/private consortia (PIA-AMAIZING, H2020-INVITE,...) and research projects in phenomics and development of phenotyping infrastructures at national and European level (PHENOME, EPPN2020,...).
I am a scientific expert at the CTPS (Comité Technique Permanent de la Sélection des plantes cultivées). I am a member of the scientific councils of the INRAE experimental units of St Martin de Hinx (maize experimental farm) and Mauguio (DIASCOPE) as well as of the Maize Biological Resource Centre.




Tél. :
Mail : claude.welcker@inrae.fr

Modification date: 03 August 2023 | Publication date: 27 August 2020 | By: Aurélien Ausset