Montpellier Plant Phenotyping Platforms (M3P)

Montpellier Plant Phenotyping Platforms (M3P)

LEPSE's high-throughput phenotyping platforms (PhenoArch, PhenoDyn and PhenoPsis), grouped together in the Montpellier Plant Phenotyping Platforms (M3P), are used to analyse and model the genetic variability of plant response to environmental stresses and climate change (particularly drought and high temperatures).

M3P is one of the nodes of the national PHENOME-EMPHASIS infrastructure. M3P is widely open to the national and international scientific community. Every year, we welcome teams from outside LEPSE for international and international projects, on a wide variety of species (maize, wheat, vine, apple, sorghum, rice, banana, cotton, etc.). M3P is part of the international IPPN network. It made a major contribution to the European project EPPN2020, which will be completed in 2021, with a dozen international accesses.

More than 65 scientific publications have resulted from work carried out on these platforms (2014-2022).

Download the M3P brochure

The M3P team

A multidisciplinary team is dedicated to each platform. It assists the users during the implementation, the conduct of the experimentation (carried out by the platform's staff or by external parties). This team also carries out methodological developments.

LEPSE - équipe M3P - 2022

The 3 phenotyping platforms

Find out more about our phenotyping platforms here :

> PhenoArch

> PhenoDyn

> PhenoPsis

Access to the platforms

To obtain access to one of our platforms, different steps are needed :

PROJECT FEASIBILITY : Send an email at to establish a first contact. To assist with this first step, please fill the following document which includes a background, objectives and a description of work.

SELECTION CRITERIA (used by M3P steering board + PHENOME exec. board)

  • Relevance regarding the project and the capacities of the platform
  • Technical feasability
  • Funding
  • Priority will be given to projects fitting into one of the following 3 cases
    • supported by (or in negociation with) national or international funding bodies (ANR, H2020, PIA, ERC, EPPN)
    • projects held by a member of the french GIS BV (a set of private companies involved in Plant Science)
    • methodological projects aiming to improve the capabilitites of the platforms

PROJECT PRE-PLANNING : based on the description of work, M3P director sends a letter of understanding for selected proposals which includes the estimation of access costs and a preliminary timeframe for the access and project implementation.

CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT : in a final step, access to the infrastructure is granted provided a bilateral agreement regulating intellectual property rights and modalities of access is established.



Find publications referring to our platforms on Google Scholar :




Find our publications here


ind examples of how our platforms are used in the EPPN project :

ELOPE – Dissecting components of early plant development in maize

Bananadyn – The quest for climate smart varieties : phenotyping the banana biodiversity

MYCORICE – Effects of mycorrhizal inoculation on drought tolerance of African rice from physiological traits to QTL identification



M3P group

email :


Bertrand MULLER
email :

See also

Watch our videos about M3P here

Modification date: 04 August 2023 | Publication date: 11 June 2020 | By: Aurélien Ausset