Abid Slim

Abid Slim

M3P-DÉV Team
Data science
Image analysis

Slim Abid left LEPSE in October 2022.


Mission at LEPSE: use of deep learning models to predict phenotypic properties of wheat from images.
I graduated from a computer science engineering school in Clermont-Ferrand (ISIMA), with a specialisation in modelling and data science. I did my second year internship at Michelin and I worked on the prediction of forces and moments experienced by the tyre using machine learning models. I have been at LEPSE since April 2021. I started as an intern and my work consists in analysing images of wheat with deep learning models to predict properties related to plant development.

I validated my internship in September 2021 and continued my mission on the same subject on a fixed-term contract as a study engineer until October 2022.

Modification date: 04 August 2023 | Publication date: 01 October 2021 | By: Aurélien Ausset