Lebon Éric

Lebon Éric

Éric Lebon died on 8 December 2016 at the age of 53, while he was an INRA agent working at LEPSE.

He joined LEPSE in 2001 and his research topics and fields of expertise were:
 1. Analysis of the phenotypic plasticity of grapevines in response to water deficit (ANR VitSec project)
2. Analysis and modelling of the functioning of vine cover crops under fluctuating environmental conditions. Application to the evaluation of the performance of management systems (EU KBBE INNOVINE Project )
3. Design of tools for quantifying water deficit applied to vine management (FUI Disp'Eau project)

Modification date : 03 August 2023 | Publication date : 17 June 2020 | Redactor : Aurélien Ausset