

Dynamic recording of the growth of plant organs

PhenoDyn is based on dynamic recording of organ growth using displacement transducers, while the pots are placed individually on scales allowing automatic recording and manipulation (through peristaltic pumps) of soil water in the greenhouse. The same configuration is set up with a limited number of balances in three growth chambers to allow the imposition of step changes or extreme climatic conditions. It allows to characterise the growth and transpiration of 500 plants under fluctuating environmental conditions. Typical populations tested are multipartite populations, introgression libraries and collection of mutants and specific GMs.

Example of an experiment carried out on PhenoDyn :

In this folder

The growth of leaves or reproductive organs is affected by water deficit before any reduction in photosynthetic activity or root growth. The objective of the PHENODYN platform is to enable the genetic analysis of growth and gas exchange, which vary rapidly with environmental conditions.
The PHENODYN platform makes it possible to impose drought scenarios under fluctuating atmospheric conditions in the greenhouse or in the growth chamber, and to monitor transpiration and growth with a definition of 5 to 15 minutes over periods of 1 to 2 weeks.
The PHENODYN platform consists of a greenhouse and a growth chamber. Each is equipped with scales, displacement sensors and a set of climate sensors.
Bibliographic references

Modification date: 17 July 2023 | Publication date: 18 June 2020 | By: Aurélien Ausset