

SiriusQuality (SQ) is an ecophysiological process-based crop model that simulates phenology and leaf area development, as well as water, nitrogen and carbon fluxes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum in response to environmental and crop management factors.

SiriusQuality SQ) has been developed and calibrated for several varieties of winter and spring wheat and durum wheat. The generality of the formalisms allows the simulation of the growth of most straw cereal species, including barley, oats, rice, and triticale. SQ provides a user-friendly graphical interface that offers several tools for setting up complex simulations and for calibration (model calibration) and optimisation (crop ideotyping) of parameters or sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. SQ can also be run in console mode (command line).


See also

Website of SiriusQuality

Modification date: 17 July 2023 | Publication date: 03 November 2020 | By: Aurélien Ausset