Realized applications

Realized applications

PHENOPSIS has been used in different contexts: for LEPSE research questions, for collaborative projects but also for external users.

    - Development of the PHENOPSIS platform for the cultivation under reproducible conditions and phenotyping of A. thaliana under different climate scenarios (Granier et al., 2006, New Phytologist)
    - Identification of A. thaliana accessions with low leaf area reduction in response to drought (Aguirrezabal et al., 2006 Plant, Cell and Environment)
    - Development of an information system for data storage and analysis: from the PHENOPSIS platform to an integrated analysis pipeline (Fabre et al., 2011 BMC Plant Biology)
    - Multi-scale phenotyping of leaf growth, statistical analyses and modelling of relationships between leaf growth traits (Cookson et al. 2006 Plant, Cell and Environment; Massonnet et al. 2011 Plant Physiology)
    - Testing the reproducibility of phenotyping in a European multi-site experiment (Massonnet et al. 2010 Plant Physiology)
    - Mapping of QTLs that control leaf expansion and the plasticity of this expansion in response to water deficit (Tisné et al. 2008 Plant Physiology ; Tisné et al. 2010 Plant Cell & Environment)
    - A quantitative genetics analysis of the leaf economic spectrum and metabolic scaling allometry theories in A. thaliana. (Vasseur et al., 2012 Ecology Letters)
    - Multiscale analyses of the relationship between growth and carbon metabolism in response to drought in A. thaliana (Hummel et al. 2010. Plant Physiology).
    - In-depth proteomic and transcriptomic analyses of leaf growth in response to drought in A. thaliana (Baerenfaller et al. 2012)
    - Multiscale analyses of increased drought tolerance by PGPR inoculation into roots in A. thaliana. (Bresson et al. 2013 New Phytologist)
    - Mapping of QTLs controlling rosette mineral concentration in A. thaliana in response to drought (Ghandilyan et al., 2009 New Phytologist)
    - Identification of a stress-inducible caleosin involved in drought tolerance (Aubert et al., 2010, Plant Cell Physiology)
    - Analyses of carbon metabolism in relation to climatic characteristics of different collection sites of Arabidopsis accessions (I. Hummel, R. Valluru, with R. Sulpice & M. Stitt, Max-Planck MP Golm)
    - Analyses of drought responses in A. thaliana from different natural populations distributed over the globe (EPPN external users, Johanna Molenaar and Joost Keurentjes, Wageningen University)
    - Biomass production and partitioning during growth of A. thaliana: a modelling approach (external users H. Maclean and D. Dochain, Université Catholique de Louvain la Neuve)
    - Role of cuticular waxes in the response of plants to drought (Pascal et al. 2013; Bourdenx et al. 2011)