Access to PHENOPSIS data

Access to PHENOPSIS data

The public data produced is available from our information system.

PHENOPSISDB is an information system that was developed in 2010 to enable the sharing of data from PHENOPSIS experiments. Irrigation files as well as environmental data and images from the experiments are stored on the server and immediately accessible via PHENOPSISDB (Fabre et al., 2011; The list of genotypes grown in a PHENOPSIS experiment is immediately accessible via PHENOPSISDB as soon as an experiment starts. Images and data associated with the experiment are accessible as soon as they have been published. Sharing data via PHENOPSISDB has allowed original results to be published by external users (Schmalenbach et al., 2014).

Fabre J. et al., (2011) PHENOPSIS DB: an Information System for Arabidopsis thaliana phenotypic data in an environmental context. BMC Plant Biology 11


Since 2011, PHENOPSIS is part of Montpellier Plant Phenotyping Platforms (M3P), which includes 3 phenotyping facilities PHENOARCH, PHENODYN and PHENOPSIS. The M3P facilities are developed and maintained by the same research unit, LEPSE at the INRAE centre in Montpellier. M3P is part of the PHENOME project funded by the ANR, Investissement d'Avenir. Access to PHENOPSIS by external users has been possible through various funding sources: the EPPN project; European Plant Phenotyping Network; FP7 Research Infrastructures Program of the European Union, Agropolis Fondation...


They were (or are) welcomed in our group to carry out experiments in PHENOPSIS :

-          M. Dapp (PhD Student, Université de Genève Department of Plant Biology, Geneva Switzerland); for the analysis of heterosis and inbreeding depression of epigenetic Arabidopsis hybrids (Dapp et al., 2015).

-          H. MacLean (PhD Student, Université de Louvain La Neuve) for an analysis of biomass production and partitioning during A. thaliana growth : a modelling approach.

-          J. Bac-Molenaar (PhD Student, Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands) for a genome wide association mapping analyses of rosette growth and its response to drought in A. thaliana (Bac-Molenaar et al., 2015, 2016).

-          O.J. Ayala-Garay (Sabbatical stay, Scientist Producción de Semillas-Colegio de Postgraduados. Carretera México) for a genome wide association mapping analyses of rosette growth in A. thaliana.

-           C. Vazquez-Rovere (INTA, Buenos Aires, Argentine) for the analysis of the GASA genes and their role in in A. thaliana response to stresses.

-           W. Rymaszewski (PhD Student, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Warsaw, Poland) for the analysis of natural variation of drought tolerance in Arabidopsis accessions that differ in Annexin levels.

-          S. Hazen (Massachusetts University, Department of plant Biology, USA) for a genome wide association mapping analyses of shoot development and its response to drought in B. distachion.


Papers from external users :

Bac-Molenaar J.A., Granier C., Vreugdenhil D., Keurentjes J.J.B. (2016) Genome wide association mapping of time-dependent growth responses to moderate drought stress in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell & Environment. 39, 88-102.

Bac-Molenaar J.A., Vreugdenhil D., Granier C., Keurentjes J.J.B. (2015) Genome wide association mapping of growth dynamics detects time-specific and general QTLs. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66, (18) 5567-5580.

Blonder B. et al., (2015)Testing models for the origin of the leaf economics spectrum with leaf and whole-plant traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. AoB Plants. 7, DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plv049.

Dapp M. et al., (2015) Heterosis and inbreeding depression of epigenetic Arabidopsis hybrids. Nature Plants. 1, 15092.

Schmalenbach I. et al., (2014) The relationship between flowering time and growth responses to drought in the Arabidopsis Landsberg erecta x Antwerp-1 population. Frontiers in Plant Science. 5-609. DOI=10.3389/fpls.2014.00609