Projects and Collaborations

Projects and Collaborations

I am involved in several national and international collaborative projects (see links below). In 2014, I joined the leadership team of the international project AgMIP-Wheat to which I contribute since its establishment in 2011. The goals of the AgMIP wheat team are to compare and improve wheat models in order to simulate better the impact of climate change as well as to explore adaptation options for improving both agricultural sustainability and global food security.

On-going projects : 


AgMIP Wheat | Intercomparaison et amélioration des modèles en agriculture


#DigitAg | the Convergences Institute for Digital Agriculture


INVITE | INnovations in plant VarIety Testing in Europe


FFAST |Functioning from the assimilation of structural traits. Understanding wheat functioning from the assimilation of high throughput observations into plant simulation models


PHENET | Tools and methods for extended plant PHENotyping and EnviroTyping services of European Research Infrastructures


SiriusMaize |Improving and fully testing the crop growth model SiriusMaize

List of past projects

Main collaborators (academics)


Dr. Jacques Le Gouis, INRAE, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Dr. Christophe Pradal, CIRAD, INRIA, Montpellier


Prof. Dr. Senthold Asseng, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Munich, Allemagne

Prof. Marcello Donatelli, CREA, Bologna, Italy

Prof. Frank Ewert, ​​​Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany

Prof. Francesco Giunta, University of Sasari, Itatly

Prof. Dr. John Porter, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr. Mikhail Semenov, Rothamsted Research, The UK

Dr. Heidi Webber, ​​​Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany

Dr. Xinyou Yin, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands


Dr. Bruce Kimball, USDA ARS, Maricopa, USA

Dr. Matthew Reynolds, CIMMYT, Mexico

Dr. Enli Wang, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia

Dr. Jeffrey White, USDA ARS, Maricopa, USA

Main collaborations in the Industry :
