


Marieke Dubois, Katia Selden, Alexis Bédiée, Gaëlle Rolland, Nicolas Baumberger, Sandra Noir, Lien Bach, Genevieve Lamy, Christine Granier, and Pascal Genschik. (2018) Siamese-related1 is regulated posttranslationally and participates in repression of leaf growth under moderate drought. Plant Physiology

Garance Koch, Gaëlle Rolland, Myriam Dauzat, Alexis Bédiée, Valentina Baldazzi, Nadia Bertin, Yann Guédon, Christine Granier. (2018) Are compound leaves more complex than simple ones? A multi-scale analysis. Annals of botany

Sandy E. Bergès, Denis Vile, Cecilia Vazquez-Rovere, Stéphane Blanc, Michel Yvon, Alexis Bédiée, Gaëlle Rolland,Myriam Dauzat,and Manuella van Munster. (2018) Interactions Between Drought and Plant Genotype Change Epidemiological Traits of Cauliflower mosaic virus. Frontiers in plant science

Wojciech Rymaszewski, Myriam Dauzat, Alexis Bédiée, Gaëlle Rolland, Nathalie Luchaire, Christine Granier,, Jacek Hennig and Denis Vile. (2018) Measurement of Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Traits Using the PHENOPSIS Phenotyping Platform. Bio-protocol

Wojciech Rymaszewski, Denis Vile, Alexis Bédiée, Myriam Dauzat, Nathalie Luchaire, Dominika Kamrowska, Christine Granier, and Jacek Hennig. (2017) Stress-Response Gene Expression Reflects Morpho-Physiological Responses to Water Deficit in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology

Anaëlle Dambreville , Mélanie Griolet A, Gaëlle Rolland, Myriam Dauzat, Alexis Bédiée, Crispulo Balsera, Bertrand Muller, Denis Vile and Christine Granier. (2016) Phenotyping oilseed rape growth-related traits and their responses to water deficit: the disturbing pot size effect. Functional plant Biology

Massonnet C., Dauzat M., Bédiée A., Vile D. & Granier C. (2015) Individual leaf area of early flowering arabidopsis genotypes is more affected by drought than late flowering ones: a multi-scale analysis in 35 genetically modified lines. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 6, 955-971.

Dapp M., Reinders J., Bédiée A., Balsera C., Bucher E., Theiler G., Granier G. & Paszkowski J. (2015) Heterosis and inbreeding depression of epigenetic Arabidopsis hybrids. Nature Plants 1: 15092.

Lièvre M., Wuyts N., Cookson S.J., Bresson J., Dapp M., Vasseur F., Massonnet C., Tisne S., Bettembourg M., Balsera C., Bédiée A., Bouvery F., Dauzat M., Rolland G., Vile D. & Granier C. (2013) Phenotyping the kinematics of leaf development in flowering plants: recommendations and pitfalls. WIREs Developmental Biology 2: 809-821